❤ Lycon waxing ❤




Hard wax

・Eyeblow ……………………………………………………………Rp.100.000

・Upper lip……………………………………………………………Rp.70.000



・Bikini line……………………………………………………………Rp.130.000


・Under arm……………………………………………………………Rp.130.000


Strip wax




・Half arms………………………………………………………………Rp.135.000

・Full arms………………………………………………………………Rp.175.000

・Half legs………………………………………………………………Rp.195.000

・full legs…………………………………………………………………Rp.275.000






Neck&Back Rp. 250K

Half Arms Rp. 160K

Full Arms Rp. 200K

Half Legs Rp. 220K

Full Legs Rp. 310K

Chest    Rp. 220K

Chest&Stomach Rp. 350K


Waxing adalah cara paling umum untuk menghilangkan bulu. Sedangkan mencukur dapat merangsang permukaan kulit menajdi kasar dan luka yg di sebabkan oleh alat pencukur. Tetapi wax dapat mengangkat kulit ari dan dapat membuat kulit tampak halus. Akal sehat dunia telah diobati dengan wax optimal.


(Brazilian wax)

Artinya rambut bagian bawah yg sangat kecil atau bisa berarti semua rambut bagian bawah hilang. Dengan di wax rambut V,I,O menjadi bersih. Dan merupakan perawatan yang paling aman untuk bagian bawah.

(Dampak dari wax)

. Apabila dilakukan berulang kali, maka rambut akan tumbuh halus bahkan volume rambut menjadi berkurang.(tergantung individu)

. Apabila dicocokkan dengan periode haid kemungkinan ramut tumbuh secara bertahap.

. Menghilangkan rambut di bagian yang sensitif dan juga bulu mata di katakan sangat sulit tetapi bisa dengan menggunakan laser.

. Pada saat menarik wax secara bersamaan kulit mati juga terangkat. Sehingga menjadikan kulit halus.

. Mengurangi kelembaban, bau, dan juga rasa ketidaknyamanan pada saat haid.

. Design kecil, T back shorts dan bikini yg menyenangkan.

. Selesainya halus dan bersih.


. Hal ini dapat digunakan di seluruh tubuh kecuali di sekitar mata.


Waxing is the most common way to remove the hair. While shaving can stimulate an advanced skin surface rough and mouth sores caused by razor. But the wax can lift the epidermis and can make the skin look smoother. The common sense of the world have been treated with wax optimal.


(Brazilian wax)

This means that the hair below a very small or it could mean missing the hair below. With the hair wax V, I, O becomes clean. And the safest treatment for the bottom.

(Impact of wax)

, If done repeatedly, then the hair will grow even finer hair volume to be reduced. (Dependent people)

, When matched with the menstrual period ramut possibility to grow gradually.

, Remove hair on the sensitive and also lashes at say very difficult, but can be by using a laser.

, At the time of wax simultaneously pull dead skin also lifted. So that makes the skin smooth.

, Reduce humidity, odors, and also a sense of discomfort during menstruation.

, Design a small, T back shorts and bikini likable.

, The completion is smooth and clean.


, It can be used all over the body except around the eyes.



















LYCON was established in Australia in 1978, by internationally acclaimed beauty therapist Lydia Jordane. Today, LYCON waxes enjoy a well deserved reputation as the Crème de la Crème of hair removal waxes and is the wax of choice in the top spas and salons in over 65 countries. This reputation and recognition is built on LYCON's philosophy of unsurpassed product quality, performance and professional integrity.


Beauty professionals use LYCON with confidence and achieve completely hair-free results for all types of hair growth, everytime. LYCON’s array of quality waxes in exciting colours and scents, allows professionals to tailor the best waxing combination to suit their salon for total customer satisfaction.


Formulated with the finest natural resins, pure bees wax and sensuous aromatherapy, LYCON delivers superior results, removing stubborn hair as short as 1mm. At the same time, LYCON low temperature, super pliable and gentle waxes, provide a nurturing and skin conditioning treatment for extra client comfort, on even the most sensitive skins.


The LYCON Precision Waxing range consists of hot waxes, strip waxes, LYCON's unique Lycojet and LYCOtec waxes, complemented with harmonising PrePost waxing lotions and essential salon accessories.


In addition, LYCONspa Essentials provides corrective solutions and indulgent treatments for home use and offers luxurious blends for salon and home use.


LYCON's superior product range continually redefines global waxing standards and it is no wonder LYCON is sought after by celebrities and those ‘in the know’ across six continents!